Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I need to vent...I am trying to set up a Bloglines account. Well, setting up an account was easy, it is figuring everything else out that is causing stress. I can't remember what I just learnt (saw) from my online class. I can't even figure out what my blog address on Blogger.com is. I am not sure if the address changes with each blog? I think this would much easier if I was learning in a face to face class. Online is great until you need help. Perhaps I will have to visit the professor for some help. I suppose if I "fiddled" around long enough I could figure it out. The problem is I don't have alot of extra time. I am thinking that one needs to spend quite a bit of time on the computer to do well in this class. We are supposed to bookmark websites that we like. I think that this is a great idea. Especially as Alec said when you could be networking with others to compile materials and resources. The problem is I don't spend enough time searching the web to add any sites that may be worth while to others. Oh well, enough whinning for now. Until next time. Jane.
posted by Jane at 8:31 PM

ECMP 355--Kristina D said...
Hey Jane,This is Kristina, Thanks for the comment. I am kind of a computer geek and I am in the online class, So if you need any help I can help you out. My email is kdimini@gmail.com feel free to email me.Kristina


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