Thursday, November 16, 2006


I had the opportunity to join in a session for discussion on e-portfolios on Nov.15th. It was not the experience I had hoped it would be. The leader was 20 minutes late, which was actually OK because I was able to learn about two of the tappedIn features (how to create an office and check the profiles of others). As it turned out the majority of the discussion was based on the people chatting to each other (I think one of the participants knew the leader and the help desk volunteer). I can honeslty say the I did not learn anything in the hour I was in on the discussion that was about e-portfolios.
OK, enough of the negative energy going on...
On the positive side (and there always is one, right?), I enjoyed the fact that I was in a discussion with persons from Taipei and New York. I can see the possibilities in making global connections. Another positive, was that there was mention of 4 sites that one can go to for assistance with e-portfolios (I haven't gone to any yet) and you receive a transcript of the discussion, so you don't really have to take notes.
So, although the experience was not that great, I will not let it discourage me from exploring tappedIN again. Maybe next time will be better!


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